When selling your bike, having a clean and tidy bike isn't enough. There are many things you need to consider to ensure that you get the best price for your beloved motorbike.
You'll need to invest a lot of time and sometimes, even money, to ensure that your motorbike sells quickly and at the best price possible. Agreeably, that's easier said than done. The whole process leading up to putting your bike on sale can be a gruelling process, but it's necessary.
Making an effort to present your bike in the best way possible attracts potential buyers as it enhances its appeal. The more people are interested in your bike, the faster someone buys it and at a fantastic price.
If you're thinking of putting your bike in the market, keep reading. Here are some tips on how to sell a motorbike and prepare it for selling.
Tip #1: Give Your Bike a Thorough Cleaning
First thing's first — yes, you still need to clean your bike. But when we say clean, we don't mean with a trusty hose and your sponge; you need to take it to expert cleaners.
Getting your own cleaning products may sound convenient and cost-efficient, but unfortunately, you might be able to use them properly, giving you more expenses to worry about. Employ a full-time bike valeter to help get your bike looking shiny and new.
This way, you'll feel confident putting your bike in the market, knowing all crooks and crevices are cleaned and polished.
Tip #2: Invest in Bringing it Back to Its Original State
That next thing you need to deal with when learning how to sell your motorbike is the repairs and replacements — even if it's minor damage — is extremely important. Not only are you configuring the aesthetics of your bike, but you're also guaranteeing the safety of its new passenger.
Fortunately, dealing with scratches and paint jobs is easy, but other mechanical stuff is best handled by professionals.
Bringing your bike back to its original condition is key to attracting leads and selling fast in the marketplace. Customers are looking for something new, a blank canvas, and one way to do that is to ensure you bring your bike back to its original state.
Tip #3: Make Sure Your Bike's Documents are Ready
When you're selling your bike, you want to ensure that all the important documents are out and ready, such as the original sale, receipt for its parts, service records, and previous MOTs.
One of the most important documents you should have is a V5 document. This document informs the Driver and Vehicle Licensing Agency (DVLA) that you aren't the registered owner of a motor vehicle and tell them of the new owner.
Tip #4: Update Your Insurer
Like mentioning your bike's new ownership to the DVLA, you also need to cancel or update your insurance policy right away. If you fail to cancel or update your policy, you could still be held liable for the motorbike, and you may continue to pay costs, especially when the owner is uninsured and gets involved in an accident.
The Bottom Line: A Sparkly Clean Bike Isn't Enough for It to be Marketplace Ready
If you're thinking of selling your bike soon, making sure it's squeaky clean isn't enough; there are a bunch of things you need to keep in mind to ensure that your bike does well in the market. These tips on how to sell your motorbike should help you get your bike ready before you sell it.
Additionally, working with motor dealers will help you sell your bike quickly and at the best price. You just need to put in a bit of time and effort on your end as well!
Are You Looking for Places to Sell Your Motorbikes?
For some people, selling a bike can be a tricky process; this is why it's crucial to work with a company that can guide you through selling your bike in the best deals possible.
WeBuyMotorbikes handles used motorcycles bought and sold from commuters to superbikes, enduro, custom, sports, and touring. We accept all makes and models at any condition and any age.
Learn more about our services today!